All I can say is what a time to be alive. I would have never thought that in 2021 I would have the opportunity to open new or reproduced, factory fresh games for my favorite 16 bit and 8 bit consoles. I hope the community continues to show support so that companies will continue to be motivated to produce the games that still bring us joy today. I did not have a Genesis growing up or a Super Nintendo so it has been so much fun discovering and playing the awesome titles that were published for these systems. And with prices skyrocketing, it is really a blessing to have these second prints that allow someone like me to access these classics which may other wise be unaffordable. The games mentioned in the title will be part of my October update as well if inventory is available but I didn’t want to wait until then to get the word out. with the Zombie Nation game there is no option to get just the NES game, but the price is good for both and you could always sell the Switch game if you didn’t want it.
Strictly Limited Games — Collectors Edition — – $92.99 USD + Tax and Shipping
Strictly Limited Games — Standard Edition — – $57.99 + Tax and Shipping
Mad Stalker Full Metal Forth was originally released on the Japanese Sharp X6800. This is a very cool 16/32 bit vintage computer. This was a gaming machine and had console and arcade classics like Ghouls n’ Ghosts, Rygar, Dragon Spirit, Final Fight, Fantasy Zone, Castlemania and the list goes on. Until now this game wasn’t released outside of Japan. The awesome folks at Strictly Limited Games are releasing an NTSC port for the Sega Genesis so now we can play this cool robot beat’em up. I know i keep saying this, but it is so cool that we get to open brand new games and also get ports for games not originally released in our region. The pre-order opens tomorrow, not sure how fast these will sell out but if you tried to purchase the original Japanese PS1 or Mega Drive releases they are several hundred dollars USD and up. Strictly Limited will have two versions, the CIB version with the standard clamshell and then a collectors edition that comes in a big box like the original X6800 version. As much as I would love to have the big box collectors version, I can’t justify spending over $100 dollars. Strictly Limited is breaking my bank account with these back to back releases.

Strictly Limited Games — NES + Switch Bundle — — $92.99
Abarenbo Tengu (Zombie Nation) is a crazy horizontal shooter that was released on the original NES. There are lots of reviews of this game on YouTube if you want to take a look at the gameplay. If you want a original loose cart it will run you $750 USD plus so the NES cartridge and switch bundle at $92.99 is a steal. Usually i wouldn’t pay that much for a single NES game but since you are getting a copy for Nintendo Switch I think the deal is more fair. There is a Switch only copy that is currently sold out, there is also a Collectors version at $127.99 which I again is too rich for my blood.